I went to Les Diablerets on Wednesday. The snow on the slopes was worse than when I went to Leysin on Monday, very icy in some places (like Leysin) but after lunch I took a gondola up to another place we went with the University and that was better. The snow was still crap but it was better.
I'm becoming a lot more confident with my skillz. I can do all of the blue runs that I've tried. I was going to try a red run and have it be my last for the day but it was 4:00 and the teleskis end at 4:30 and I figured it would be best to call it a day. Especially after the "accident"... I broke my ass(J'ai caissé le cul)!!
There was a section of a blue run that I remember my instructor told us was more like a red and I was feeling confident just after lunch and decided to try turn going down it instead of just easing my way down, but I tried in an icy patch and fell hard on my butt for the first time. I told myself I wasn't going to fall hard on the same spot again or I would be screwed. I went through the rest of the day becoming more and more confident with my abilities and rarely falling. Just when I started down the last run of the day (blue) I hit a big mound of snow that shouldn't have been there and WHAM! Fell straight on my ass!! I just stood on my knees for a bit with my head resting on the snow because I didn't want to move. I wanted a helicopter. But I made it down to the bottom OK after taking a rest a little ways down the piste. So that's the story of how I broke my ass!
I think I'm readying to conquer my first red now! I have a lot better control of what I'm doing now and feel like I'm making a lot of good progress. I fell off the teleskis only once that day and it was because I wasn't focused. This will be my last trip before my week of snowboarding next week. I'm pumped!! As for my butt, it hurts to sit, walk, go up and down the stairs, and sleep on my right side. I think it really is broke...